Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere
The Positive Birth Book​

The team behind The Positive Birth Book approached me to design a stunning homepage that would serve as the online hub for author Milli Hill and allow visitors to easily find and purchase her books. Additionally, they asked me to create a visual birth planner that would be accessible from the homepage. My goal was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly homepage that would engage visitors and encourage them to explore the site further. To achieve this, I worked closely with the team to understand their vision and incorporate their branding and messaging into the design.


In addition to showcasing Milli Hill's books and providing information on her background and expertise in the field of childbirth, the homepage also needed to feature the visual birth planner prominently. The planner was designed to provide expectant mothers with an easy-to-use tool that would help them plan and prepare for their upcoming birth experience.


Overall, it was a rewarding project to work on, and I was thrilled to help The Positive Birth Book create an engaging and effective online presence for Milli Hill and her work. Although the implementation didn't fully adhere to my design, I am still happy with how this project turned out.


Marketing Website

Web Application


UI / UX Design